Friday, April 20, 2007

When the Omega Wolf Bites

I am quite fascinated by wolf behavior. One of the more well-known characteristics of a wolf pack is that they fight for status. The top of the pack are the "Alpha" male & female, and at the bottom is the "Omega".
It's actually very sad that the other wolves pick on and ostracize the omega wolf--often for no particular reason, except to prove "at least I'm not him". By keeping one at the bottom, it establishes that the others are still on top.
I actually find it quite maddening that human beings don't recognize this wild characteristic amongst their own kind. It's as if humans feel they have "evolved" beyond a need for such cruel pack behavior. Yeah right, ever been to high school??
Schools today have all these "anti-bullying" curriculums and so forth. But I honestly don't know if it can keep kids from truly being cruel to one another.
Now in the wild, the Omega wolf really has no way besides snarling and snapping to fight back the rest of the pack. Often they just give up. But what if the Omega wolf got really angry? What if he had access to mind-numbing violent video games & TV? And then what if he decided to walk into his local, lenient gun shop and buy a gun?? What if is plan was to hunt down the pack? Is there some way to check that the friendly wolf is not really a pissed off Omega?? (the proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing)
Just a thought--if we can't keep people from acting like wolves, can we at least keep the guns away from them???

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