Sunday, April 8, 2007

Prevent Furniture Fatigue

A national furniture rental outfit has begun a fabulous campaign, by inventing a new capitalist ailment titled "Furniture Fatigue". It appears the symptoms resemble depression yet are easily cured simply by the act of acquiring debt via furniture rental.

Of course much has been written regarding long-term furniture rental hurting a consumer financially, but that is not my issue of contention. I am more concerned about spreading the disposable furniture mentality.

Why are home furnishings considered as disposable as diapers?? Have humans really become such a spoiled species that we throw away couches on a whim?? I believe the disposable furniture lifestyle began with the invention of particle board. Once this temporary building material was invented, cheap furniture sales boomed. Now everyone "appeared" to be well off by having matching new furnishings. Yet these furnishings made of particle board can barely tolerate a sprinkle of water, one klutzy child or being moved one too many times.

So if your furniture is going to fall apart anyway, why not just beat it to the punch by becoming bored of it first??

There is certainly an ecologically sound solution instead of filling up landfills with crappy, (not to mention toxic) broken furniture. What ever happened to good heirloom quality stuff? It's still out there haunting the corners of thrift stores, antique shops and if you are lucky enough to afford it, can find it new. Even if Big Daddy Capitalist has convinced you that your furniture is outdated, good items can be reupholstered to your hearts content! Plus- true quality does not go out of style.

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