Friday, April 6, 2007

Unimproved is Perfect to Me!

Here in development-happy Alaska, folks like to call undeveloped land "unimproved". Of course the improvements come when the otherwise desolate plot becomes the staging ground for a super-fantastic McMansion!
Yuck, yuck. I hate feeling like a freak simply for liking the vacant lot with its trees, birds, rocks and snowshoe hares better than the man-made "improvement". As a bonus, in Alaska they make sure to rub it in your face that this preference makes you into a "pansy-sniffing, tree- hugging, bunny-loving, greenie".
What's wrong with development people say?? Who is anti-jobs and beautiful living quarters??
Yikes! Why does the argument have to be so extreme? I doubt any "pansy-sniffer" is really pro full-time yurt living and unemployment for all.
It's just that these huge homes are so unsustainable. Nobody seems to be able to foresee what will happen 50 years down the road--when we run out of bankrupt farms to raze and trees to maul. Where is the room to put every "hard-working" American into a 3,000 square foot home?? Let alone every "deserving" person on earth??
If these folks really feel success equates square footage, then I really wish they would develop their monster homes on the moon.
At least there would be no trees and animals to displace....Yet, maybe there are "sissy-moon-crater lovers" who might just start fighting the moon development too??????

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