Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Hunter and the Bear

I honestly don't have a bias against folks who go out and hunt a deer or moose purely for the sake of feeding their family. It is actually much more humane than torturing chickens and hogs in our horrible factory farm system.
Yet, there is another type of hunter, the "sport" hunter. They hunt for the sake of hanging a animal head or skin in their home, and for the thrill of kill.
Just yesterday, the Anchorage Daily News reported of a local Alaskan man out on a sport hunting trip with his buddy. They had the grand idea of staking out a grizzly bear den in order to kill whatever came out. Unfortunately, what came out was a grizzly bear cub. Of course, hunter man shot it right on the spot. Unbeknownst to him, mamma bear saw the whole thing and proceeded to rip said hunters head off. Hunter actually survived the ordeal, as his buddy took care of the angry mom.
Lesson of story: leave the children alone!!!

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