Friday, March 30, 2007

Pet Food Recall should be Wake up Call!

All pet owners are aware of the recent pet food recall. The information seems to indicate that the deaths are caused by some sort of substance that got into the meal at the Chinese factory. Whatever the substance it, there's a good chance it's banned in the U.S.A.!

Here's the paradox that drives me batty: how come American consumers can buy products from oversees (especially China) that don't meet USA health & safety standards. Sure, there are bogus rules on the books, mostly about "choking hazards", but what about how the products are MADE, or what is in the factory, where does the fuel come from and what about emissions......?
Do most American consumers even realize that their kids toys from China get sprayed with pesticides, paint is sometimes lead based, and most Third World factories certainly have sanitation standards that would make the average American parent faint! (And let's not even begin the child labor topic....)

Do consumers ever add 1 + 1 and realize that one of the reasons factories move oversees is because they no longer have to follow USA health & environmental guidelines?? Sure, that's mush cheaper for the consumer--but at what overall cost???
So let's hope the recent pet food scare will help open some eyes--the same regulations are needed here and oversees ! Learn that paying more is ok--it could save lives!

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