Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Is There Blood on Your Wal-Mart Shorts?

What blood? How did it get there?
Well of course I am using the term figuratively as folks refer to "blood" meaning someone died for that product.
It's easy to conceptualize a violent diamond trade or drug lords killing one another to get their products to market. But what about those little Easter baskets that say "Made in China" or your kids cheap spring shorts from Wal-Mart??
Child labor is really just the tip of the iceberg. Dig even deeper and look- where does the coal and oil come from that runs the machines for those factories?? Where does their electricity come from?
Any layperson can pick up a recent Time magazine and read how the Chines coal mines are some of the most dangerous in the world. Hundreds if not thousands die to get that coal. Then there is the Chinese oil that comes from violent Darfur--or the unregulated factories that pour toxins into the Chinese water system.....
So how much blood is really shed for Americans to have the cheapest garments possible???
A quote that I recently saw says it best: "The American 'everything is disposable' mentality unfortunately extends to the Third World as well."

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