Thursday, March 1, 2007

Chasing the Wilderness

Ok, where do I even begin??
Simply put, I can not enjoy the idle pursuits of suburbia. I am perplexed by the droves of people that seem only to be interested in shopping malls, fashion hand bags, and their big-screened TV's. Even worse, they choose to surround themselves with the "comforts" of badly built cookie-cutter McMansions. I am reduced to smiling politely at these folks and keep wondering what is wrong with me?? Why don't I want these things??
Yet I do know what I want. It is the pursuit of the wilderness. Luckily, my spouse and I did escape the East Coast and settled in Alaska years ago.
Now the joke about Alaska is--the suburbanites have come here too. They are rapidly building their beige houses in neatly parceled subdivisions. Insisting that more Old Navy's and Wal-Marts be built. The trees here get slaughtered at such an alarming rate, that they don't even use chain saws anymore--just bulldozers that push the tree carcasses into big piles that are then set afire.
Nevertheless, the wilderness is still here. Therefore so am I.

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