Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Humans fall, dogs keep standing

Today is the fourth day of the Iditarod sled dog race. Most of the mushers claim the conditions are worse this year than ever before. Cold nights in the -30 range and icy, bare, trails.
The Alaskan nightly news shows live footage of the racers and their teams entering some of the checkpoints. The dogs look good-but the humans are pretty beaten! Two of the very best mushers have already quit--citing broken bones (from falling) and therefore felt they couldn't care for their dogs that well. A musher from Wisconsin even broke a leg, but he keeps on going--claiming he's come too far to quit!
These folks are the craziest athletes I know of! The injured dogs are always pulled out of the race, but the humans are free to keep on killing themselves...!
Did I mention that the distance of this race is almost 1,200 miles? That's as if someone chose to go by dog team from Minnesota to New York. Plus, the mushers don't sit in the sleds--they often are hanging on for dear life or actually running behind the sled! Mush on!

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