Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Worst Thing About Alaska

I love living in Alaska, but my biggest issue of contention is the so called "Department of Fish and Game". They do many good things for our fish and monitor hunting, however they continue to pursue a policy of wildlife management through death.

The current lunacy is the so called "predator control" program also known as "wolf kill". In order to ensure that Joe six-pack has a moose to kill, they spend state money to chase and kill wolves from airplanes. The logic being that wolves eat moose, thus they are our competitors for meat. I mean what is this - the 1800's?? Even crazier--they now want to do it by offering a bounty and may perhaps use helicopters.

There are only 7,000-11,000 wolves in Alaska, and considering this state is gigantic, that's really not that many. Most wildlife viewers have never seen a wolf in Alaska!!! That's what makes me angry, that my right to have ample opportunity to see a live wolf is destroyed. (Not to mention that wolves are against being killed as well.)

It's hard to imagine that Alaskans have actually voted (twice!) to end this craziness. But the Alaska governor & Game board supersede the democratic consesus of the people. What a shame!

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