Thursday, August 29, 2013

Modern Day Gladiators in Tight Pants

I am most certainly not the first person to recognize that the NFL is simply a group of modern day Gladiators (nor the last). Yet I do feel compelled to comment on it...
Somehow we think that as 'modern Americans' we are less barbaric than the ancient Romans because we pay our gladiators great sums of money, don't kill them on the spot and dress them up in feminine nylon pants.
While the football stars frolic in their tight pants, the crowd revels in watching their  multiple head injuries. Carrying players off the field with a concussion is all part of the great fun!! I for one, was not at all surprised to see that former players with advanced dementia are now suing the NFL. To me it makes sense--dementia is a long and terrible battle. How is enjoying a concussion filled sport more "civilized" than maiming gladiators via lion in the Roman times? Just cheer and drink your beer.

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