Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why I Don't Understand Your Economy

Let's pretend for a moment here that I am a space alien , happily residing in outer space. My version of reality TV would be watching the USA through my super amazing alien telescope.....!
So what I see down there is quasi-excitement about the US economic recovery. No, no--- I don't care about the debate if the economy is recovering or not--my alien brain is confused about what humans feel are good signs of how... (!)
Let's take the optimistic August 12th Time Magazine article about the 'wonderful' indicators of economic growth (!?) The first indicator of recovery the author mentions: "Housing come back!" So I'll paraphrase here: "Finally new houses are being built again and we can expect more and more as the census bureau predicts US population growth to increase 8% in the next decade!! yippee!"
Ok you weirdos.
Alien here says---where are you going to shove all these new and glorious beige  subdivisions?? 8% increase over 10 years means that in the next hundred years, the USA would have to give up millions of acres of forests, green space, farm land, wet lands...you get the picture.... at an unprecedented pace. Not to mention the box stores and rows of Sam's Clubs, Old navy and Sports Authority that is "necessary" to sustain said beige subdivisions...
Then take 'optimistic economic indicator' number two. What the Time article author claims is the awesome sleeping giant: "consumer spending". 70% of the US economy comes from spending. Have not any of you humans read about how all this spending (i.e. clutter) makes folks miserable, depressed?? Notice how landfills and Goodwill drop off centers are filled to the brim? Ever watch the movie Wall-E? (an alien favorite!) So many middle class Americans are already suffering from Costco exhaustion--patio furniture they never use, over sized closets brimming with badly sewn clothing, play rooms filled with plastic toys and storage units galore....And this is something to strive for? Push it upon the whole earth? All in the name of 'economy' ?
I won't even go into the short sighted delights of oozing with glee over new found sources of oil and natural gas...to feed the economic beast of course!
In alien world, this sort of economy would be considered laughable and unsustainable. Unless you silly humans are planning on conquering new planets fairly soon, say goodbye to your earth's green areas, farm land, wildlife, plentiful water and open spaces. An economy that is overly-dependent on population growth is nothing more than a short-sighted pyramid scheme.

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