Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Facebook Bummer Study

So yet another study has been published as to how Facebook users actually feel worse about themselves after utilizing Facebook. My response to this?--(as my brother used to say) "no shit Sherlock".
Honestly, I don't know that much about Facebook, as I am a conscientious objector to this particular social medium. But what I do know (from the pages I have seen) is that there are really only two ways to approach it.
A) Facebook posters are narcissists. Why do you really want other people to see all your party pictures, baby postings or what have you? It's one thing to send Aunt Jane a pic of little Jimmy catching a fish--but would anyone feel comfortable going on a stage (with say 200 onlookers) and presenting an "all about me" slide show? But isn't this in effect what everyone does on Facebook?? (disclaimer here: I'll admit that as a writer I have my own fair share of narcissistic urges :)
B) Facebook users are voyeuristic... I mean why else would you even go to someone's page and sort through all that nonsense? Maybe the hope is to see that your life is somewhat better than said Facebook poster. But in the end what happens is, you watch someone else's phony 'narcissism presentation' and just feel worse. Thus the bizarre cycle now you must create an even better narcissistic presentation.....

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