Friday, October 8, 2010

The Irony of Alaska's Joe Miller

Alaska has it's own circus going on right now regarding the upcoming election. Lisa Murkowski's non-traditional write in bid is actually quite boring (yawn) compared to the wacky, wacky contradictions of Tea Party sweetheart Joe Miller...
I can't quite figure out, who is a Joe Miller fan? Ok, the well-off, I see some nice houses with Joe signs and that makes sense to me--they are doing well, don't want more taxes, and screw the "lazy poor".
But it's the underprivileged voters that get my goat--the trailers and yards full of jalopies with their "constitutional freedom" and "Joe Miller" signs that send my mind spinning...
So these not-rich folks, want to benefit less from government programs--like Denali kidcare (medicaid) or social security...right? and then these poor folks also don't want to pay their imaginary taxes -- (aren't you exempt from taxes at low incomes in this country ?)
Whatever. The great irony of Joe Miller is that without much advanced snooping, the press is all over his past of government programs--are there any he didn't even apply for?? I mean farm subsidies, unemployment, low income hunting license and Denail kidcare (medicaid) for his kids.

Now Joe's statement is "my family has had its struggles". Ok, so the Miller family struggled, used these programs, he got a good education & job, then zoomed ahead in the capitalist system. But excuse me--no other poor person should have these 'unconstitutional' benefits, right? And the best part is-- that he can fool a bunch of uneducated people to put signs in their yard in support of 'no benefits for me' (heaven forbid they become successful like Joe Miller--right??)
There used to be a joke: that an environmentalist is someone who builds a house in the woods, and then doesn't allow anyone else to do so.
I guess the new joke is: a Tea Party conservative is someone who uses government benefits to get ahead--and then doesn't allow anyone else to do the same....

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