Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Do I Dislike What Everyone Else Likes??

I am not afraid to know who I am. Increasingly I have become aware that most people around me just want something different out of life than I do. In these times of "constitutional rights" -do I even have the right to not want what everyone else does?
Here's my list of top offenders:
1-McMansions- So they say this trend is winding down. Phooey! --I have not seen it here at all, people in Alaska still look for big, bigger and biggest homes.

2-Costco- It would be like a national sin to reveal that I am afraid of Costco. So "they" tell me to go during the week, not Saturday--tried it, and I was still scared. Nothing but giant items on creepy warehouse shelves about to fall on your head. Not to mention the giant people buying buckets of mayonnaise and chicken wings. A true haunted house, I return only for their very good pizza price...(Alaska pizza is highway robbery)

3- WalMart- Even though I have never entered a Wal-Mart, I can't support it. Then I read that some fancy US reporter is going to China to see why their economy is working...duh reporter--ever been to Wal-Mart? That's why China is working.

4- Social Networking- Creepy! I joined a site once, only to get Eastern European men sending me half naked pictures of themselves with inquiries about gold mining in Alaska. All these sites do is sell your info for advertising revenue so you can tell everyone that your cat coughed up a hairball. When people start using social networking to spread real news and help society (instead of cyberbullying) maybe I'll take a look...

5- Minivans- so they are safe and roomy for the kiddos. But if you buy the world's most boring car, all that will happen is this: you will have an early midlife crisis, drink three shots of tequila and wind up with a daffy duck tattoo thinking that you are now cool. My recommendation: lose the van.

6- Big screen TVs. Don't want want, don't care. Why is it that my family is the only one that never finds the time to watch TV?

7- I phone- Don't even think I am spelling this device right. Don't need it, whatever it is. Or if I had one, would I finally have enough time to watch that big screen TV? Doesn't anyone realize that techno gadgets are a downward spiral--once you get hooked you always need to buy the newest one??? Goodbye money.

8- Scenting parties. This sounds perverted to those that may not know what it is (so maybe it doesn't count on my little list) Nevertheless--it's a sober gathering to sell scented candles to mothers wanting a brief social outlet. (The new tupper ware party) Yikes. Quite popular here in Alaska. I could not do this soberly and I am allergic to chemical scents. Maybe I would do an organic essential oil & wine tasting party instead??

9- Subdivisions.- Instead of community building, neighborhoods today are usually part of the "keeping up with the Jones'" disease. Besides, my family wants to run around loudly outside and let the dogs howl. In the end I would be spending oodles of money on apology gift baskets to the neighbors.

10- Not leaving the wilderness wild. In Alaska one can't read a newspaper or drive a car without seeing some sort of pro-mining, drilling, developing something statement. It has taken me a while to see how the "other side" views this issue. They just feel the wilderness holds no value as is. It is "unimproved" land needing the awesome hand of man to extract or build something from it instead. According to these folks the right of man to extract resources for financial gain (see above- to afford their McMansions and Costco) trumps my "right" to enjoy virgin landscape.

That's the list for today. I have not found the place I belong within my own society...

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