Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ode to James the Turkey

So I was sitting in my car at the school's parking lot the other day. Counting how many kids were wearing only hoodies, and no coats. After all --it was a balmy 12 degrees outside--time to ditch the gloves and parkas.
On the other side of the lot, I saw my friend loading a dog crate into the back of her hatchback. That's nice I thought, her husky must have been the class mascot for the day . (oh--this school has three official classroom dogs--allergic kids aren't really accepted).
Anyway, she loads up the crate and pulls up to my car-(I'm not getting out of the car, it's twelve degrees after all).
She rolls down the window and asks me:"don't you want to see what I have in the crate?"
"hmm?" "seen your dog already." I reply.
"No, no" she says  "It's a turkey named James, he spent half the day at school--the kids can pet him, he's just the sweetest thing"....  
So I ask suspiciously--"why exactly do you have a pet turkey?"
"Well" she replies in a giddy tone, "he's our organic Thanksgiving meal!"
Oh good grief. Poor James. He doesn't know what his future holds, but I hope he had a fabulous time at school.... 

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