Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Freezin for no Reason

I guess it is just plain silly to complain that I am cold. That's what one gets when they live in Alaska.
So it was -6 this morning. Finally the school sent home the yearly "make sure your kids have gloves and jackets at school" reminder. It is the most ridiculous thing ever. In the Lower 48, even lousy parents, wrap their kids up in coats and scarves. Children are warned that if they so much as open a button, all hell will break loose. Not only will there be a giant social services intervention, everyone will die of pneumonia and then the bird flu.
Of course in Alaska --The coats, hats and gloves are missing once again. (But in the parents defense, I know the items are actually scattered about the playground somewhere). And the snow pants are all in the giant lost and found box. The note home did mention that--there is an issue with all the snow pants being black. So nobody even knows who they belong to.. 
Either way, I need to go up and check my frozen washing machine again. As our laundry room is (brilliantly) in the garage, I am learning the fine art of defrosting before washing...

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