Friday, September 17, 2010

Your Constitutional Right to Rot

Yelling and more yelling about our freedom and rights, the constitution blah, blah-- it's all I ever hear in Alaska these days.
I don't know what exactly everyone is so upset about. What is the federal government doing to everyone?? Taking away their weed? Taxes?--guess what --nothing new. Then it must be health care reform...true enough there is that pesky new provision (as I understand it) that health insurance will become mandatory in the future. Maybe we can help folks worried about this with a "splat" amendment.
The splat amendment would be signed by those choosing to opt out of mandatory health care. These individuals swear that if they become disabled (say with diabetes--huge increase in cases) or get cancer or happen to fall "splat" off a building they are to be left to die. Just leave them there or send them out on an ice floe. No government benefits, or social security will ever be requested. Simple enough.

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