Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What the Tea Party Really Thinks About Average Americans

Listen up average people, and by that I mean those who make about 100,000 a year or less. Those that make more, may stop reading now.
Here's the honest thing that doesn't get discussed by political conservative types, such as the Tea Party Express. Why they really don't want to pay federal taxes...It is because they think you are a loser. That's right folks--incompetent, unable to be rich, lazy loser.

I have been reading up on conservative theory, and the pro-industry, anti-tax types all share a similar belief. The rich are simply better. They are smarter, more able bodied and hyper-active. This is the way it should be and it's not their problem if you are not like them. So they have no reason to spend even one dime on your silly little public schools (there's always private school for the rich), Medicaid or Medicare (heck, they are already covered) or any other stupid public project. Like public transportation- (get a car you lazy s.o.b.) They simply feel that when they are taxed, they are being robbed for the worst possible reason--keeping all these dumb losers on life support ("why don't you just go die somewhere" is more acceptable)

If you really knew what the rich think about everyone else, you just wouldn't vote Tea Party--no way. They hate you, but are smart enough to recruit you for their own cause. Make you shoot yourself in the foot.
So what if you were born disabled, low IQ, into an abusive home, whatever--that's your stupid problem, not theirs. And granted some people do make it out of horrible or even just plain simple circumstances to become great and wealthy people in America, no question. But many more just do not. And this my friends, is what the rich consider your moral shortcoming.

If you don't believe me, just read something like "Atlas Shrugged" from beginning to end--it will take a good year, but you can see the hate & loathing towards those who have less money. (and Reagan was a fan of Ayn Rand) You betcha! (ever wonder why the richer Sarah Palin gets, the angrier her rhetoric?)

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