Friday, September 3, 2010

My Simple Challenge for Sarah & Glenn

Well I am sure I don't even need to use Palin's and Beck's full names for anyone to know exactly who I am talking about.....
We all know they are good at being snarky, critical, snappy and what have you--but what I don't believe they are good at is something else: world travel.
I'll be honest--I don't know Glenn Becks world travel history. But I am pretty sure Sarah hadn't seen much more than good old Wasilla up until a few years ago. And now that she does travel a bit it is in an insulated vacuum--where you see a sanitized version of cars & hotel rooms, nothing else.
What does traveling have to do with anything you may ask? Well everything in my opinion. Before you say what's right or wrong about America. Or what the people need or want, how they should live and dismantle the really need to take a good trip around the world and see what works and what doesn't. It's like the best school in the "world". Any idea you have-some other country might have already tried it. Saves valuable time.
Ask people in Canada, do they like their lives? How about in Denmark?--talk to real middle class folks. Then see what true government deregulation looks like--try some third world countries. My travel schedule for Glenn & Sarah would include a few evil "socialist countries" like France or Sweden. Then try some deregulated economic fun--like Latvia or Chile. Definitely see India. And no hiding out in fancy hotels!
Better yet, make it a reality show: Sarah & Glenn's excellent adventure....then come back and talk .

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