Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Time to Shine

Once again, for no real rhyme or reason, our neighborhood experienced a power outage last night. The electric company reports it was some sort of "grid failure" blah, blah. But it looks to me like southcentral Alaska just can't cope with it's inevitable population growth....  I mean come on--why are we now having weekly grocery shortages??  in 2015 ?  but not back in 2002 ?
But I regress...so we had a power outage. As I heard the obnoxious neighborhood generators kicking in-- I ran to my silent, much less annoying survival tool....
 A giant bag of votive candles! Yes! I finally had a good excuse for having purchased 100 candles (on sale AND made in Canada no less!)
Match after match, I enjoyed myself immensely. Lighting little lights all along the stairs, around the kitchen and throughout the bathrooms. What a beautiful sight ! The whole house flickering in silence.

I cuddled up with a good book and asked my sensible husband why he wasn't coming to bed. Apparently, he was unable to.
 "Because somebody has to blow out all these darn candles". 

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