Friday, January 23, 2015

Canine Racism !

I have recently been seeking and searching out condominium accommodations in the Lower 48. I'm no fool, and did know that rules and regulations grow like weeds down yonder. But I wasn't expecting the stinging nettles I stumbled upon: "breed restrictions."

In my innocent search for a pet-friendly apartment, I totally expected to encounter limits on weight, amounts or farm animals...the usual suspects. And even the words "breed restrictions" (to me at least) brings on the typical 'stereotypes' of "unruly" dogs. The often picked on pitts and rotties. But the crazy "breed restriction" lists I encountered included all sorts of dogs: German shepherds. Akitas. Siberian huskies. Dalmatians. Saint Bernards (ok, I get this one--drool alert!) and Malmalutes ?! It went on and on...The most insane part was, the last line "and any mix of mentioned breeds". What does that mean??? If you have a mutt, a real mutt--how could you possibly know or prove what "mix" your dog contains? And what percentage counts as being related to the offending breed?? Outrageous!
Where do people even get these outdated, doggy discriminatory ideas from?? They will say: well the dog was bred to do "x"--(insert unwanted behavior). But isn't that racist? Like saying: well Swedish women were bred to be blonde, blue eyed and love lingonberries! Besides, the wildest "dog breeds" I have seen in Alaska are wolf-hybrids and sled dogs--now these beauties aren't on their little list are they? Guess I know what kind of dog I'll be bringing along to the condo ;)

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