Friday, January 16, 2015

Break Up in January

When one utters the term "break-up" in Alaska, there are no scorned lovers. Quite the opposite-- break-up is a positive time--meaning the ice is breaking and a spring thaw is in the air.
Now 2015 has been a warmish, mostly snow-free winter for south-central Alaska. Nevertheless, it's not exactly Hawaii-- the ground did freeze up, and covered itself with a light layer of snow.
But, low and behold, it is all melting this week. 44 degrees, with rain--prime "break-up" weather. Feels like April, except it isn't-- it's January 16!
Of course this freakishly warm weather sends me outdoors, to pick up stray dog feces, sticks and enjoy the chinook winds. And as they blow their warm breezes--I remember what I love best about Alaska.
It's that feeling of spring in the wilderness, after a long winter (although this year we are cheating). When the days get brighter, and the mountains are melting. We have always lived with our yard backing to Chugach state park--the better to hear the stillness. But break-up blossoms into special sounds. When the red squirrels chatter a bit louder, and the soulful arctic birds screech in their peculiar way. I am no birder, and can't identify who is making those songs. Yet, they echo throughout the forest and bounce off the mountain peaks --and I have only heard them in the Alaskan morning.
It's important to hear these sounds alone. To just listen and feel that you are one with them, very small and tiny on this beautiful earth.  I just wish everyone could experience it, and then maybe they too would understand that we need the wilderness, we just do.

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