Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fix Failing Boys and Solve Obesity in 5 Minutes!

Here is something I like to do: give a quick and efficient answer to some long drawn out over-analyzed societal problem. For example: boys failing ! Many minds are fretting about the state of American boys: dropping out of school, not going to college, girls doing better!....So many theories--absent fathers, working mothers, video games ....
But never fear! I have a one-size-fits all response:
Who are today's boys emulating?? Does anyone remember the 70's or 80's? When boys wanted to grow up to be astronauts, doctors, fire chiefs, maybe president?? 
Ask a modern 12 year old boy the same question. My money is on the answer -- 'be a rich rapper or football player!' Mention astronaut or lawyer and their "nerd alert sensor" will go off. Meanwhile, girls are lucky enough to fly beneath the "nerd" radar...Face it, our society currently mocks smart boys. Quit it.
Then there is obesity! Good grief. How over-studied can a societal problem be? Just buy a friggin ticket to Eastern Europe. Sit on the street corner and gasp! No obesity! How is that possible? For one, less cars. Everyone walks and walks and then walks some more. Americans hate walking, they just do. Second, food is priced differently. Healthy food is not more expensive than junk food. And all food actually costs more (compared to income)--you just can't afford to gorge. Lastly kids remember, soda is a treat-- not a beverage! 
There you have it, problem solved--but nobody is listening!

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