Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Lost Souls of the Alaska Playground

I know juvenile delinquents exist everywhere. But there's a special breed of lost boys running around Alaska. A co-worker and I coined them the "lost souls". You see them in the Mat-Su Valley parking lots, with skate boards in hand, dirty black clothes and anger in their eyes. It's not the clothes or the boards that bother me--it's that angry "devil may care" look. You know they are going home to unhappy homes in turmoil when these kids (ages 8-12, no joke) have so much hate in their eyes. I know the difference between bratty posers and real trouble, but these are the real deal.
Today I was at a park in Alaskan suburbia-- a.k.a Eagle River. I was surprised that two of these lost souls were at the playground in this otherwise more gentile region. The two lost boys proceeded to pick on a nicer boy, first by taking his bike helmet, then his bike. They told the boy he could get his bike back for twenty dollars. (Did I mention the tormentors were not a hair over 9 years old)??? I had had enough when they pushed the poor kids bike down a small embankment. So I proceeded to intervene--at least it gave the picked on child a chance for a graceful exit. I sternly told the punks that their attitudes were disturbing and they should go home to their parents--one looked me in the eye and angrily said--wish I could! Of course the bleeding heart liberal inside of me (or is it the old fashioned conservative?)knew that was the case. But what to do?? These kinds of kids are just gone already. If a nine year old is that mean and the parents aren't around, they are just doomed to delinquency. But I don't have the answer.

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