Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm Just Like You!--Struggling on $200,000 a Year

In their new found embrace of populist (ahem, Socialist) ideals the new Republicans love to demonize anything 'elitist' or uppity. Anything to do with fancy food, higher education, etc.. is bad, bad, bad...They just want the voter to think--we are like you, you, you!
Hence the new Republican star--Mrs. Sarah Palin. The "everyday hockey mom", who shops at Wal-Mart and knows all the working mans woes.
The last time I checked, median salary for a US family was around $50,000. The Palins on the other hand, usually live on a $200,000+ salary. Before she was governor, her Oil & Gas commissioner job paid $125,000 annually. Not to mention her husband's good oil field "slope" salary and fishing income. They own various properties, a plane (or two?) and reside in a $500,000 house in Wasilla. Not too shabby considering half a million buys you A LOT in that part of Alaska.
So how can she be considered "common"? I have no idea why on earth she even shops at Wal-Mart. Either it's a political ploy, or she doesn't have a clue. There is also the bizarre Alaskan Wasilla custom, where everyone with money likes to pretend "I'm just like you--common Joe". They love to deny that they are rich and stick to burgers & T-shirts.
Even with money bulging form their pockets, big houses, new trucks and RV's out front. These people will brag--"I'm no snob!"
Just look around at Wasilla, any decent restaurant collapses in favor of fast food joints or IHOP, just because nobody wants to be seen eating at an "elitist" restaurant.
It's really a shame though. Because it perpetuates the American ideal that greed is good, but culture is "snobby", hence the dumbing down cycle continues. Meanwhile the rich folks of Wasilla march around self-righteously proclaiming, "I am one of you--the common American, pass the Bud!"

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