Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is Our Presidential Race just like High School??

I am confused, puzzled and in a state of disbelief as to the number of normal white women who have told me that they support Sarah Palins run to become v.p. Many know nothing about her except that '"I like her" "she's personable" and "well-spoken" or "just like me".
Now when did being "just like me" make you a good candidate for president?? Does that mean everyone thinks they can be president too??
The thing is that Sarah Palin has this undeniable magnetism, that somehow hooks and draws people in. It's like the most popular cheerleader or girl at school and everyone wants to be her friend. It's a sad day for women, when they care so little about their candidates stance on issues, experience, but just want to like the person!! (or vote for a woman)
Again, I too find her a likable person, and had no problem with her being Governor of Alaska. But is she ready to lead the Nation? Or the prom queen parade?

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