Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Alaskans Waste Not

Our local Borough is in the process of widening the main road. Alas, quite a few trees have perished in the process and left dead by the roadside. What is unique is how quickly my local Alaskans discovered this "waste" and went to work securing the valuable resource.
Almost a day later the pick-up trucks began arriving. Chainsaw yielding ladies and girls on ATV's with trailers are all busy loading up the valuable firewood left behind.
Even some artisans seem to be at work, slicing up beautiful, fat, old cottonwood for some sort of interesting purpose. Needless to say, Alaskans always see value in securing free resources.
As urbanites all over the Nation discuss how to save energy and be thrifty, they only need to look at the ingenuity of their Northern neighbors!

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