Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wolf Politics

I have received news that there will be a protest against "predator control" a.k.a. aerial wolf hunting in downtown Anchorage on April 7th. It is certainly a commendable cause and it is always good to rouse support and awareness, yet I fear the Alaska Fish & Game Dept. will just continue their tricks.
As aerial wolf hunting enters the public eye, the Alaska Fish and Game folks (practically a pro-hunting lobby) does two predictable things.
#1--they blame "outside influences" for bringing about the pro-wolf movement. As they like to claim that "real Alaskans know that wolves are not cuddly dogs". This of course is a really insulting assumption, not only for those in the lower-48 who probably know that wolves hunt and dogs eat dog food. But also to thousands of Alaskans who actually vote against these hunts and sign petitions for this cause.
#2--the new trick is to simply change the hunting and trapping laws. So in anticipation to a public backlash against aerial wolf control, they have already boosted the hunting and trapping limits for wolves. And regular leg-hold traps and what have you, are actually much crueler to wolf family units than the winged gunmen.

I actually really do support looking out for our Bush communities and Native inhabitants and their right to a proper harvest of game meat. Yet, there is a vocal and strong group of urban and suburban Alaskans claiming the same rights. In effect: that predator control is needed to ensure their own successful hunts. In my opinion, these more wealthy Alaskans could easily support some Valley farmers and purchase excellent natural grass fed beef, or even raise their own Angus. If it's a thrill kill they seek, then raise and strangle your own chickens. You can chase them around the yard and woods too, to really get the whole hunting experience!

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