Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Perks of High Fuel Costs

First of all, my family is not in a favorable financial position. Secondly, we also require to commute by car for work. --On that note, I feel entitled to continue with my positive take on higher fuel costs...
From my experience, the United States has actually been spoiled for many years, because whenever you travel to anywhere else, for example Canada--the prices of gasoline are shockingly high. And what do these higher prices bring?? They bring innovation. Realistic public transportation and more consideration to pedestrian & bicycle friendly urban planning.
Here in Alaska an unintended perk of the high fuel costs has been less recreational snowmachine and ATV traffic. Amazing! The wilderness has gotten a bit of a break, because folks can't afford the gas to tear it up....
It's no secret that people are planning their travels more, car pooling, looking for smaller cars (even hybrids) considering alternative energy, all good stuff!
Of course the cost of importing goods has increased--but again, what's wrong with fishing around for more ways to buy local & boosting the local farmer or craftsman?? Our over-reliance on cheap imported goods hasn't made us a better nation.
I am sure plenty of poorer countries are even more substantially affected by fuel costs than us. Often with grave consequences. There too, I can only hope that this period of economic turmoil will help boost innovation and self-sufficiency!!

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