Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Outside is Boring"

I recently hosted an outdoors children's event along our river bank. The kids could explore, pick rocks, play in puddles and sand. Many of the little Alaskan tykes literally dug right in and enjoyed themselves immensely.
What concerns me though are the ones that did not. A few of the children (even in Alaska!) had trouble walking on uneven non-paved surfaces or complained about the elements. But worst of all was the comment I heard from one little girl: "outside is boring". She was looking for toys and video games.
One obvious solution is to expose the kids to more outdoor play (a huge societal problem to say the least) so they become more comfortable. But the less obvious problem is living with material excess. The little girl who found rocks and sand boring, actually has an 'outdoorsy' mother, but also a house packed to the brim with more toys and video games than Toy r' Us.
I read a quote somewhere that too many toys hamper a child's creativity and makes them into boring children. How true that rings. Having to figure out how to amuse oneself without the help of 65 items from China takes more thought and imagination! Yet, in the end a much better result and an appreciation for nature to boot. The next generation of children will never enjoy being outdoors if they haven't developed the attention span to appreciate it. So I challenge parents everywhere--stop buying so many crappy toys and tell your kids to create their own experiences instead!!! It's not as dangerous as you may think....

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