Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who Can be a Pregnant Governor?

I really have no choice but to comment on the most interesting piece of Alaskan news--well besides the Iditarod that is. As all the inhabitants of the great North know by now, the governor is with child, at 44 years, and nobody even knew!
It shocked me like it did everyone else, and then I immediately began following the message boards to see what other Alaskans or poser-Alaskans had to say about this tid-bit. Fortunately most folks are kind and simply wish the family well. Yet, the hate-mongers have to get their venom out too, and it is always such a surprise. From these message Boards I have learned that Palin is secretly a liberal (?) , pregnant women can't be taken seriously and that Senator Obama loves Osama. Whatever that has to do with pregnant Palin I don't know.
I wish I didn't know the disturbing thoughts of my fellow citizens, but alas I ventured forth and received.
But enough about the idiots. I feel sorry for our Republican Governor. I didn't vote for her, but I certainly can empathize that she is stuck between a rock and a hard place. No matter what she does now she will be criticized. Too much baby in the office- not a serious worker, too much time working sans baby--then she is a bad mother! Poor woman. And it is interesting to note that most of this criticism will probably come from her own party. I hope she just has the opportunity to hide out and work from home without anyone even knowing what's going on. In my opinion, she is already amazing to be 7 months pregnant, flying all over the country and giving speeches, holding on to a stressful job, yet looking calm & rested.

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