Thursday, March 27, 2008

That Pesky Oil Addiction

A few days ago, I saw an interview on PBS with the head of Shell Oil. His predictable spin was also sprinkled with quasi-green statements, such as "It will be a slow process to ween Americans from their addiction to oil". I can't guarantee if he used the word "addiction", but it was something similar. Yet I just couldn't believe he was suggesting that he somehow wanted Americans to use less oil ?!? This from the man who stated in the same interview, that there would be mass Urban riots if domestic oil drilling isn't increased soon....
So I thought more about this oil addiction we all have. It's not as if the obvious pusher of our consumption problem wasn't big oil themselves. They have made sure that the American public really wouldn't know where to begin without oil--I mean petroleum is in our plastics, gasoline, heating oil and even moisturizers. Not to mention the fuel requirements needed to ship all our classy Wal-Mart supplies from China & our frequent flights to Disneyland.
I'm just as guilty as anyone, and feel sick to my stomach thinking--how could I reduce oil consumption personally?? In Alaska, public transportation is looked upon as socialist, and nobody wants to fund it. Thus unless you go by dogsled, I'm doomed to the car. Even walking is pretty difficult when many walking paths are run over with crazy ATV traffic.
Next there's the heat question: we have switched to half time wood heat, but I'm not sure if chopping down 50 year old birch trees for fuel is really any kind of solution. And our personal geographical situation makes wind & solar impossible .
So here's my personal "To Do list" (challenge) to reduce oil consumption.
1- Eliminate plastics in packaging, housewares, etc... (not too hard since we prefer glass anyway)
2- Don't buy domestic items with petroleum, like synthetic moisturizers or even synthetic fibers.
3- Our next car should be a hybrid SUV
4- Buy local when possible, especially produce and other food.
5- Stick to a small house, look into gas heat (is that any better in the long run...?)
6- Advocate for more bus/rail options and real sidewalks.

Yikes! Even this ideal list isn't a perfect solution, but I don't know if there is a twelve step plan out there??

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