Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Riches of the River

At the risk of sounding overly sentimental, I feel the need to muse about my river. Our family lives on a magnificent glacial river, that actually turns wicked and grey all summer long, but for the rest of the year is a beautiful greenish blue, with rocky outcroppings.
This river provides little ponds, that make three ice skating rings right in front of our home. I can't think of a greater luxury than private ice skating with mountain and river views.

Yet, when city folks visit us, their closed-minded view of wealth only sees our old dilapidated house--the sagging roof, one tiny bathroom, and crooked doors. They assume we are somehow suffering, or haven't made it professionally. But I know that so often these folks in their perfect 3 bathroom house are quite depressed or bored. They don't even know why--because they've "made it"after all.

In the meantime, I will continue to appreciate the beauty I have--the woods, abundant berries, and river sand bars. These riches can't be bought at your local mall, making them the most valuable of all...........

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