Monday, November 4, 2013

Exotic Grand Rapids

I know we are becoming "bushy".  The kind of people who reside in the Alaskan backcountry and who show up (without irony) to the grand opening of the new Walgreens in town...
But it is also affecting the child. On a recent school assignment, he was asked to explain "what makes him special"...Should I have even been surprised when he wrote: "because I have been to Macaroni Grill, seen a real deer, and been to Europe." (in that order)
Not the fact that he sees moose and bears all the time, or has walked on glaciers.
No, to him the lower 48 is as exotic as any European vacation.
And unfortunately it is true. Last summer, we spent a few days in the locale of Grand Rapids Michigan. And to us backwoods Alaskans it was fascinating.
We experienced the wonders of dark summer nights (and lightning bugs!). Grocery stores filled with different brands of milk, pizzas and cakes. And outdoor swimming pools. Not to mention a few of those white tailed deer and of course--Macaroni Grill. 
We were exasperated at all the wonders...Which is why of course my son is special--he has seen a deer after all...

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