Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dancing on Our Own Graves

Yes, yes-- I am just as guilty as the rest of them. By 'them' I mean all the happy Alaskans. As you see, we are once again in a record breaking warm spell. I actually witnessed the afternoon temperature hit a toasty 51 degrees today--with full sunshine to boot!
People are out jogging, skipping, strolling...partaking in lower 48 "fall-like" activities. Not helplessly slogging through the snow, as is normal for Halloween time in Southcentral AK.
You can't escape all the cheerful banter around you either--as folks keep on talking, commenting or just orgasmicly smiling about the weather..
The cat is out of the bag : Alaskans love them some Global warming!

So as a so called "liberal", am I supposed to not enjoy it? Feel guilt instead of insane pleasure at the mere thought of not having to wear my winter boots?
I'll save that thought for another day, for right now I feel the need to just revel in the moment ..

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