Monday, September 23, 2013

New Allergy: Northernus Terribulus

So I woke up with a terrible allergic reaction--sneezing, coughing, runny nose. Running the potential allergen checklist off in my head (pollen, cats, and avocado) I deduced none of these substances could possibly be in my bedroom.
Sneezing away, I had the unfortunate urge to open up the bedroom curtains. And to my horror--came face to face with my new September allergen:  SNOW!
White, fluffy snow. And no matter what they say on the radio about it "not accumulating" those newscasters are full of crap. It is totally accumulating in my yard. On the trees, cars, deck--all looks like a freakin Christmas card...
I wonder why all those people with their "think snow" bumper stickers don't move on up to Alaska and see for themselves what 9 months of snow feels like??!! We had three snow free months in my back yard this year--June, July and August. And the frozen white stuff still sat up in the high peaks and mocked me throughout one of the warmest summers in Alaskan history! And thank goodness for that record breaking summer heat, because otherwise I just may have packed up and left my poor family behind....
ps-- I am in no way denying climate change at all--as I completely understand this is the change we get--increased cold precipitation soaking our soggy northern selves! arghhhh!

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