Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Attention Tooth Fairy

Time magazine recently wrote a little piece about how much cash the honorable Tooth Fairy deposits under children's pillows. I was shocked to read that on average it has increased to about $3.70 per tooth !!
Upon delving deeper into this issue, it was explained that in some households kids really hit the jackpot--and as to be expected--these same children just happen to live in the wealthiest homes.
But what was really surprising about the Tooth Fairy's income distribution system, was that she also favors the molars of low educated and/or low income households, leaving these kids large cash deposits as well. It is assumed that in these homes, the Tooth Fairy wants the children to feel they are "keeping up" with their classmates financially. Meanwhile, highly educated households receive the least--about one buck per tooth. (Which made me feel better--as now I understand her 'logic' for leaving that piddly amount for our precious son).
It seems the poor Tooth Fairy has single handedly decided to close the income gap in this country, one baby tooth at a time. Now that we have discovered her quasi-socialist agenda, maybe it's time to call her out on this and agree on one reasonable amount for all kids? 

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