Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Weeping Through Winter

Winter is here. Alas it is May 8th, but I still stare at the icy walk over the frozen ground. Snow pants hang by the doorway --this is the eighth month they have been in use already... Some may say: "well that's what you get for living in Alaska"--but I swear once upon a time, even Alaska had warm and sunny days...
Where is the glorious promise of global warming? (just call it climate change from now on, ok?) I want to feel what 75 degrees feels like again. I want to wear shorts and sundresses. I want to sit in a hot car. The only time I have sweat in the past two years is from strange and unpredictable hot flashes. Is that my new warming? instead of through the sun I will be heated by a menopausal glow ?
I know I should be careful for what I wish for---long patches of sweltering heat can be exhausting...but just a few days please...

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