Saturday, March 16, 2013

Would Anyone Care About Sarah Palin if She were Fat?

Like the smell of septic gas on my roof,  Sarah Palin is the gift that just can't seem to go away. Why the heck is she back in the news??? Good grief. I bet it's those tight pants.
The GOP has no shame at all, advertising their "good looking" ladies. The men of the party all look they have been sleeping in the back of a Dunkin Doughnuts after a weeklong carb binge....but the women are held to a different standard. I once heard this is actually called: "Fox Glam".
Here you have a political party that feels that a women's number one job is to look good. Whatever. But the worst part is, that only after she looks good--will we pretend to listen to her. I use the term 'pretend', because are you really taking someone seriously just because they put on hot pants and lip stick?
There are many, many dirty old men in Alaska who will willingly admit that the number one reason they voted Sarah Palin for Governor was because she was hot. They drove around with bumper stickers "coldest state, hottest governor". And this is now touted as her "political experience?"

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