Thursday, March 7, 2013

Living the Dream

Many years ago, I nonchalantly mentioned to a friend back East--"well maybe I can open up a bed and breakfast or something in Alaska..." She quickly turned to me and said, "people don't do that, that's not a real job". 
Typical East Coast attitude. It's like there is a "no dreaming aloud" banner being towed above the whole place.
Travel a few thousand miles Northwest, and you get the opposite attitude in Alaska. The state who's unofficial slogan really should be: "welcome kooks and dreamers".
I now recognize it's probably my favorite thing about life in the Last Frontier. Every year when the Iditarod sled dog race began, I used to burst out into tears of joy. What brought me this happiness was that these dreamers, with their dog sleds and "fake" jobs as dogs mushers-- were so loved and respected here. Living as they like and saying: "screw you-- conventional lifestyle--I'm going to live my dream." 

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