Friday, December 21, 2012

The NRA Smokes Crack

Ok folks, the only way to explain the craziness coming out of the National Rifle Association wind pipe, is that their management smokes crack. Like serious hard core crack.

I was already flabbergasted a few months back when they sent me their weird membership letter. It wasn't about hunting or target shooting--it was about paranoid delusions--that liberal billionaires were coming for them, and the UN, media elite... blah, blah. Feeding the uneducated paranoia machine in order to boost gun sales. Who are these slime balls anyway?
 They have got to have the sense to know that other developed nations, with less guns and more restrictions also have less gun deaths (duh)....
Or maybe they don't???? Today's statement that we need armed guards in schools, may just show a whole new level of non-intelligence by these folks. I mean have they ever traveled to a third world country??? That's what a third world (or war-stricken) nation looks like!!!! Armed guards everywhere!!!!!!.

From my own travels in South America, I remember the armed guards in the motel parking lot we were staying in. It did not evoke a feeling of safety (nor did it chase away the prostitutes) it just made the whole experience kind of creepy. And this is the America the NRA wants for us?? Where are they buying their crack????

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