Thursday, November 4, 2010

This Just in: Joe Miller Explodes

Update: 12:30Pm AKST.
Joe Miller was seen this morning at the Ted Stevens Anchorage airport. He had arrived in his usual manner, driving a large souped up Hummer, sporting an American flag and AK47. His mission appeared to be airport pick up of minions and lawyer goons. Scores of paranoid and vindictive Miller associates were expected to arrive any minute to help Joe with his fight against fellow Republican , Lisa Murkowski.
Due to wet snow and ice in the Anchorage area, the flight was delayed. Joe became visibly angry. As his face reddened he stomped around the airport screaming: "The Federal FAA needs to be dismantled-- It is our constitutional right to fly in bad weather."
In order to appease himself, Joe handcuffed a ticket agent to a chair- for being an enemy of the state. This quick fix didn't last, as the television monitors announced more write-in votes coming in amongst absentee ballots. The lamestream media was reporting they were most likely for Lisa Murkowski.
Joe began hyperventilating and barricaded himself behind the ticket counter screaming: "Those votes are all for Mickey Mouse, I will read every damn ballot myself and fight it!--stop with the conspiracy!" "Alaskans can't spell--they shouldn't even be allowed to vote ! repeal the 17th!"..............then KABOOM!
He simply imploded into 4000 little pieces. Right there in the terminal. Full story on the 10:00 news.

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