Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alaskans Are So Over Sarah Palin

Lisa Murkowski beating Palin's pick Joe Miller in the Alaska senate race states loud and clear: Sarah's voice means nothing in this state.
Face it: only 34% of people who voted in this election cared about the Palin endorsement. About 50% of the Alaskan population voted, so the end result is more like 17% of the state.
Reading message boards and listening to the people in the Great North you get a good sense where most Alaskans stand. They remember pre-fame Sarah and they know who she really is. The Sarah parading on the TV every day is foreign to them. A celebrity with a new dialect, fierce politics and obsessed with fame. In other words a big phony. Secondly, most Alaskans have never forgiven her for quitting her job as Governor -especially to pursue self serving financial interests.
I am guessing the reason Lower 48 folks are still impressed by her is the "Alaska thing" or just the pretty political face. But nobody in Alaska, is impressed by anyone else living in Alaska--so that's a strike against her. And maybe the pretty face is wearing off too. Just look at the latest silly "Facebook war" between the Palin's kids friends. The topic of the fight is that some teens in Alaska don't like the Palin-centric reality show! gasp!
That's the thing... Alaskans are over her, not fascinated at all. When will the lower 48 get it and get bored as well?

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