Sunday, October 25, 2009

Top Five Things We Can Live Without

Ok, I know there are plenty of Americans with real financial problems right now. But my gripe is with the moaners who always complain about money, regardless of their situation. The ones who claim they can't afford to buy local, gas costs too much, I need to shop at Walmart..blah, blah.....but I never see a real financial problem because their house is filled with stuff.

So I compiled a list of the top 5 things these complainers could live without:

1- Their giant big screen TV and satellite dishes. Give me a break, do something productive instead.

2-Countless plastic children's toys. A huge issue to me. I was just reading about plastics that don't ever decompose and just wind up floating in a garbage pile in the ocean. These cheap plastic toys fill space and make your house look tacky. Kids don't need roomfuls of toys--they just wind up becoming boring and uncreative!

3- Holiday knick-knacks. I am utterly grossed out by how much money Americans will spend on inflatable Holiday lawn decorations! Then there are window stick-ons, and plastic weird things galore. It used to be just Christmas--but Halloween is just as bad now. What happened to just making a home-made scarecrow for the front yard???

4- Pet luxury items. What an embarrassment to the rest of the world! Why do Americans spend so much on pet treats, toys and even costumes? Holy cow!

5- Blasting the heat and AC. This is crazy. I have had to work with ladies who actually put the heat thermostat on 80 degrees! They just couldn't handle the concept of dressing differently in the winter (like warm). These same people then can't stand the hot summer temps and want AC on 68 degrees?? What gives? It's like oppositional climate disorder or something.

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