Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sarah Palin and Selling the Body for Money

Out of morbid curiosity I just glanced at an article about Sarah Palin vs. her little nemesis: Levi Johnson. She states that he can not be taken seriously, as he is someone who would sell his body for money...
As someone who lives in Alaska, and has been familiar with Sarah Palin way before she was a household name, let me tell you something about her popularity. It has to do with her looks. I'm so sorry if that makes people uncomfortable, but it's reality.....
Talking to a good friend in Dutch Harbor, many of the fishermen have no problem admitting they voted for Palin, as she"is hot". And what about those t-shirts & stickers out here: "coldest state, hottest governor??".
I know many politicians are required to be good-looking in this media age. But unfortunately women are held to an even higher standard. And it is a fact that men enjoy listening to a good looking woman, if it is called listening--a more accurate description: staring at the body while the mouth flaps. Why else do you think someone not well read or worldly, got so far so fast??? I guarantee that she would be nowhere if she was fat, ugly and old.
Sarah Palin knows this too--why else does she wear sexy red pumps and own a tanning bed?
So leave Levi alone for "making money off his body", because that fantastic book deal $$ has everything to do with Sarah's body as well.......

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