Monday, October 5, 2009

King Rush and His Serfs

A long time ago in European history, a common way to live was in a feudalistic system. You had the castle and the great lord of this manor. Outside the gates lived the hard working serfs, toiling away to feed the king.
Now I don't remember exactly why the serfs were so obedient--I expect they would simply be killed by the King's men if they did not do as they were told. But if I remember correctly--they were also offered some protection in times of war by the king and his castle.

Fast forward to USA 2009. Quite a few hardworking serfs (if I may call them that) have been fooled by their self-proclaimed King: Rush Limbaugh. Of course he is secretive about his assets, yet I did read he may be making upwards of $33 million a year. Nevertheless, it is nowhere near the amounts of his fiercest supporters, living in working class towns somewhere in middle America.

How did Lord Rush achieve such a diabolical scheme? How do you have the working class actually supporting your right to less taxes and to sit on mass amounts of wealth simply for hurling insults?? Last time I checked, Lord Rush was not dirtying his hands in a coal mine.

Well he as the great Kings of yore, has promised some sort of protection from the enemy army to the loyal serfs. The enemy being "the Liberal agenda". This time around, they will not be stealing your fair maidens and burning your villages. Instead, these warrior liberals have come along to convert your children to homosexuality and tree-hugging. And as long as Lord Rush continues to scare the hard-working serfs into believing the end is near, he gets to laugh all the way to the bank and keep more of his "hard earned money" to pay his pill-popping expenses.

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