Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goodbye Brain, Hello Twitter

So I have been reading up on the new and ridiculous phenomena of Twitter. Of course the likes of certain pro-Twitter factions will tell you: look at all the links to news articles you receive--it will improve the way we communicate! I say it's bogus.
95% of the population is interested in nothing intellectual. They will follow celebrity gossip and someone sticking their wife in a dungeon, but anything that requires understanding politics or science is just a snooze in dumbed-down America.
I don't buy the argument:" you'll get links to all the articles your friends are reading." Which nerdy (and I say that with respect) friends are those? I can't find them. Most people I know (and that is 100% college educated) really don't read anything with substance and post crap about the dog barking or toast burning on Facebook. Celebrities carry more credit than scientists or real philosophers Unfortunately many so-called "educated" Americans of today really can't be bothered to pick up a book, and only like the voyeuristic pleasure of following how many times their neighbor flushed her toilet...
So let's just see where this all takes us in the next 20 years. And I will not be surprised if Nations that care about science and math over celebrity gossip just happen to pass us as we stare at our little screens...

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