Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sarah Palin is the Real Elitist

So Ms. Sarah feels good that she has exposed the bogeyman of healthcare reform--discussion about end of life and excessive medical procedures. True enough she smelled the rat of socialized medicine. BUT the big BUT is our American butts for one....we with our "free will" food choices have caused these insurmountable health care costs (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) that's where all those Medicare dollars are going folks like it or not.

Secondly--Sarah feels we all have rights to "life expanding" treatments, indefinitely??Well who pays for it now?? Often the taxpayer. And who will pay for it in the future, as these procedures get more complex and expensive??
Regular private insurance already practices the "death march"--but they do it in a less tacky way by calling it all financial--sorry dude, but you've maxed out. And this happens to many average Joes that get severely disabled or get "life expanding treatments" that go beyond their coverage. Then they fall back on to Medicaid. So the only ones in the end who can actually afford fancy technology and "life at all costs" are the republican elitists. The same folks that hate Medicaid & Medicare , the so called "entitlement programs" that actually keep people alive ....


Anonymous said...

Icy Jane, why did you delete your blog about Schuler? I agree with you and would like to discuss this bizarre case if you are willing. Have you changed your mind about her? I am very interested to know what you think.

Icy Jane said...

I did delete my opinions about the Schuler case as more evidence came out. As it was revealed that she wasn't a stranger to substance use (marijuana) it became more plausible that she would hit the bottle as well. However, I do still find it strange, even for a heavy drinker, to get wasted with children in the car. If she could hold a good job, theh she had some control over her drinking.