Friday, March 20, 2009

How Alaskans Save Money

I watch these ridiculous shows on National TV with little bits about how to save families money. Ha, ha. They just reinforce my beliefs that what the average American "needs" could easily be considered luxuries.
Like these programs will show you the best deals on spring dresses and handbags. Or cell phone plans..I mean give me a break. We have created a culture where if you don't have a new dress at work people will think you are disturbed. What the heck do ladies put in those giant handbags anyway? Lapdogs? And doesn't anyone remember life before cell phones? Somehow we lived.
So here's the Alaskan way to save money:
1) Live anywhere but Anchorage
2) Clothes are anything that keeps you warm. Doesn't matter if it is stained or even bloody. You can wear coveralls anywhere and one set of warm boots is all you wear all winter. Ladies with heels are mocked. (Women as well as men have the same standard) Fancy fashion means a new set of Carharts.
3)There is nothing at all to put into a ladies handbag. It only gets in the way. Car keys can fit in your pocket, carry cash.
4) Drive whatever goes. Especially if it has 4x4--keep it forever. A few dings and dents just show character. Always make fun of Mercedes Benz.
5)If you happen to have a lot of money buy an RV or boat (or both) but never upgrade your wardrobe. That's snobby.
6) If you want cheap eats- kill something or berry pick.
7) High heating costs? Purchase a log splitter.
8) Screw make up and perfume, cologne--you always smell like wood smoke anyway.

I can't tell you how much money we have saved simply by living in a state where there is no pressure to own fancy clothes, cars or tend your lawn...

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