Thursday, March 26, 2009

The New Social Illness

Ok, so this will definitely come across as hypocritical, as I am online--but there are social technologies out there that are really upsetting me. Of course, by nature I hate new technology and many materialistic pursuits--but the thing that's really getting under my skin are these social networking addicts.
Again, the funny thing is I haven't tried it. I reject all Facebook friend requests because I'm just not starting that nonsense. But I do listen and read what others are doing on Facebook and Twitter.
And that's the scary part. What people are doing with these networking tools are simply watching and judging each other do the most mundane, boring tasks ever. Who cares what you ate for breakfast or if the dog is barking?? It's crazyville in my opinion. We have gotten so fat, lazy and boring that this is what it has come to. I mean use your social networking to exchange philosophical ideas, end tyranny, overpopulation, read the great classics. Why are people so boring?? And dumb?
I'm sure there are intellectual people exchanging good ideas out there. But somehow I get the feeling that's not the norm. I believe it was Marx who speculated that a more evolved society (with more money and leisure time) would use this time to pursue art, music and intellect. But no, they use it to follow someones waffle choices, or exchange naked photos. How wrong he was to expect so much from such a shallow and primitive species.

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